Avoid These Nasty Surprises When Booking Hotels

Please head on over to Parentables to read the full text of this article I wrote about my funny, and not so funny, recent experiences with lodging.

When was the last time you stayed in a dive motel? For me, it was just three weeks ago, and I’m still grossed out.

I had gone down to Washington, D.C. on a solo house-hunting trip, and in order to avoid paying $250 a night for a city room, I found space in an Alexandria Days Inn for just $70.

Barefooted teenagers grasping Big Gulps stared at me as I walked past trashed rooms with my little rolling suitcase and mom sweater set. Inside the room, the carpet was gummy with grime, as was everything else, and the phone and bedside lamp were broken.

Read more at Parentables

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  • Daniel Brantley May 20, 2011, 3:51 pm

    Followed the Parentables link and enjoyed your tips. But came back here to comment because of the great amount of immediately useful articles you have here. Always good to connect with a fellow writer, and methinks I’ll bookmark for inspiration in the future.

    Until then, avoid dumpy hotels, motels, and the like.

    • Amy May 21, 2011, 7:40 am

      Hi Daniel,

      Nice to see a fellow writer here. Thanks for stopping by and commenting!
